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Data production. Microeconomic research and analysis
We produce, monitor and analyze micro and macro economically the information on the evolution of Argentine SMEs, with representation by size, territory and sector through different data collection instruments.
(Space-time panels of companies and geovisualized spatial statistics, etc.)
Creation and promotion of OPR and OPS
We design operating instruments for
the constitution of regional (OPR) and sectoral (OPS) Observatories for the monitoring and evaluation of SMEs and their environment.
Data production. Research and microeconomic analysis
We produce, monitor and analyze micro and macro economically the information on the evolution of Argentine SMEs, with representation by size, territory and sector through different data collection instruments.
(Space-time panels of companies and geovisualized spatial statistics, etc.)
Creation and promotion of SRO and SSO
We design operational instruments for
the constitution of regional (SRO) and sectoral (SSO) Observatories for the monitoring and evaluation of SMEs and their environment.
Awareness, dissemination and training
We train and publicly inform about the results of the different surveys, bringing information about SMEs in their economic and social role, to researchers, public officials, economic analysts, businessmen, journalists and decision makers in general.
Public Policy Proposals
and technical assistance
We develop proposals for public policies, development of good practices and technical assistance programs linked to the productive sector, and support the development of programs aimed at SMEs.

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